Pay-Per-Click search engine advertising campaign. How to do it?

Well, here is how it is done at

Your inQubator pay-per-click search engine advertising campaign is set up and managed for optimal results and maximum sales. We handle the details including campaign creation, daily management, continued strategic optimizations and monthly reporting.

inQubator Keyword Research

We do exhaustive keyword research on your business, industry, competitors and the keyword search records and create a list of the best keywords. This keyword list can include keyword phrases with four or more words.

inQubator Ad Writing & Testing

Our adwords experts excel in writing and testing superior ad copy. Even minor adjustments in ad copy can result in dramatic shifts in sales and leads. With our detailed ad copy research we are able to maximize your click-thru rates, bringing you the lowest overall cost-per-clickthru (CPC).

inQubator Tracking, Analysis, & Reporting

We use in-depth tracking and reporting tools to track the individual keywords that produce the most response. Using this data to reallocate your budget to the most responsive keywords, while lowering bids to improve campaign results and efficiency. You are emailed a detailed report monthly that shows you all the information needed to understand how your campaign is performing.

inQubator On-Going Management & Optimization

Your Adwords management expert will ensure that your campaign stays a powerful source of your business growth each month by scrutinizing and evaluating the success of your overall keyword list. Managing your Adwords campaign on a regular basis is critical for a successful and profitable PPC campaign. inQubator finesses your campaign on an on-going basis for maximal results so you can become a top player in your niche.

Posted in categories Adwords, Smart marketing

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